Greene County: A Bicentennial Overview, edited by Raymond Beecher


Greene County: A Bicentennial Overview, edited by Raymond Beecher


This paperback County history, prepared for the Greene County Bicentennial in 2000, is a compilation of articles by the appointed municipal historians for the County’s fourteen towns. Articles within are authored by Raymond Beecher as County Historian, and the following as appointed Town Historians: Joan Morales, Bettyjean Poole, Robert Uzzilia, Betty Larsen, Thomas Uhll, Don Teator, Justine Hommel, Elwood Hitchcock, Karen Deeter, Clesson Bush, Muriel Pons, and Patricia Morrow.

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This paperback is old stock and sold as-is. Copies may have marks and signs of wear around the exterior but are in generally good condition.