Episodes from a Hudson River Town: New Baltimore, New York


Episodes from a Hudson River Town: New Baltimore, New York


Newly available in our online bookstore is Cless Bush’s remarkable volume on the town of New Baltimore, New York. Grounded in years of research and backed with countless citations, this volume offers historians and casual readers alike an excellent introduction to the northernmost of Greene County’s “Riverfront” townships. Hardcover, 268 pages. From the dust jacket:

“The seemingly unremarkable Hudson River town of New Baltimore has had its ups and downs, you could certainly say that. Here, generations of families have worked the fields until the yields tapped out, built and repaired ships and barges until the steam age died, and harvested ice until refrigeration made :icebox” a quaint colloquialism. Yet, despite the various economic, social, and military forces that have transformed the town, New Baltimore and its residents have endured, celebrating their triumphs and enduring their tragedies. Drawing on town board minutes, Greene County surrogate and land records, federal and state military records, land patents, colonial documents, conversations with local residents, censuses, and period newspapers, town historian Clesson S. Bush provides an authentic portrait of a small-town community, making the routine—and drama—of small-town life on the Hudson River come alive.”

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